
Terry Kemp
General Manager, Starkville Utilities

This summer, we’re helping you Beat the Heat and lower cooling costs.

We usually associate summer with vacations, relaxation and a break from our usual routines. It’s also the time of year when cooling bills tend to increase due to higher electricity usage.

Even though higher bills are unavoidable during hot weather, Starkville Utilities’ Beat the Heat initiative provides tips to help customers manage their energy costs while staying cool during the hottest days of the year.

Most savings start at the thermostat by keeping it set at 78°F. But did you know that adjusting your water heater setting can also make a noticeable difference? The same goes for unplugging electronics, using fans to circulate cool air, and sealing windows and doors.

Making small, everyday changes in power consumption can add up to year-round cost savings. The more adjustments you make, the more you can reduce monthly energy bills.

Communicating more with customers is part of our Renew Principle commitment to improve service and responsiveness. Please read our Beat the Heat news release to learn more about simple, cost-effective strategies to lower cooling bills.

Have a great summer!

Terry Kemp
General Manager
Starkville Utilities

We are a Water and Electric Utilities Company in Starkville